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Shamanic Journey
Online Course 

For personal practice and to guide others 

Starts 14th January 2025
Two parts course
3 months personal practice 

6 additional months practitioner course 

Welcome to our Shamanic Journey course online! Here, you'll explore the transformative practice travelling to other dimensions to connect with spirit guides by entering non-ordinary states of consciousness safely and naturally, through the sound of drums and other instruments. This hands-on course is designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners, focusing on safe methods to navigate the spirit world and establish or expand your spiritual team. The course is divided into two parts, with the first part lasting three months, that can be taken as a stand alone, focusing on creating or deepening your connection with your guides. If you choose to continue for an additional six months, you'll learn how to guide others on their journeys.
Our classes are recorded, ensuring you never miss session. We understand that people in different time zones may not be able to attend live, so we make it easy for everyone to catch up at their convenience. Join us and stay connected, no matter where you are!

What is a shamanic journey?

A shamanic journey is a practice in which individuals naturally enter a non ordinary state of consciousness to connect with spirit guides, access inner wisdom, and explore the spiritual realm. The journey involves drumming to facilitate deep relaxation and focus. The benefits of shamanic journeying can include enhanced self-awareness, emotional healing, and a greater sense of connection to oneself and the universe. Many practitioners also report improved intuition and clarity in their life decisions.

Do I need a drum? 

While it's beneficial to have a shamanic drum to attend the course, you can practice with a recorded drumming session or a rattle/shaker during the first three months. For those continuing to the second part, acquiring a shamanic drum and a rattle/shaker will be necessary. If you're new to using a drum, I’ll be here to support you in learning how to care for it, initiate it, and discover its unique medicine and the synergy between you and your drum

The program

Part One 
3 months introductory course 
Tuesdays 7 -8 pm GMT
Can be taken as a stand alone

In the first 3 months you focus on yourself, you learn to create sacred space, journey on your own to the spirit world and develop clear communication with your spirit guides, all along  supported in understanding their messages and applying their guidance to your life. The course is fun and helps you explore your inner world and rekindle magic and wonder. Through hands on practices and course material you learn about spirit guides from different cultures and establish a safe, efficient practice for journeying on your own.
You have access to an exclusive online members area where you find the material for each class, the recordings, additional material and a chat box for sharing your experiences, engaging with the group and/or asking questions.
Classes are recorded.
No experience necessary. 
Upon completion of Part One of the course you receive a certificate of attendance

Tuesdays 7 -8 pm GMT
7 classes 
14 January 
28 January
11 February
25 February
11 March
25 March
1 April

Part two
6 months practitioner course 
Tuesdays 7 -8:30 pm GMT
Attending part one is a requirement*

Enhance your skills in the healing arts and spiritual teaching with our complete course
The second part of the course lasts 6 months and offers original material, practices and insights to be able to guide others through the shamanic journey. You  learn to use the shamanic drum to induce non ordinary states of consciousness naturally with the use of the drum, to facilitate the shamanic journey. You learn read the energy in the room, acquire methods for holding space on the astral level, keep the sacred space free from interferences while maintaining a clear connection throughout the experience. You gain insights into the inner and out of ordinary dimensions, learn to help participants  understand the experience at hand and differentiate between different types of encounters when journeying to the spirit world.You'll learn to journey the spirit world, retrieving valuable information to support your clients on their healing paths. Discover new tools and guidance while gaining hands-on experience in helping others connect with their own spiritual guides.
This course is an invaluable addition for any practitioner dedicated to their craft.
Classes are recorded. 
You still have access to the exclusive online members area where you find the material for each class, the recordings, additional material and a chat box for sharing your experiences, engaging with the group and/or asking questions.
Upon completion of Part One & Two of the course you receive a certificate of achievement and an endorsement from Ixchel Healing Arts to support you in your professional practice.

* If you are already experienced in shamanic journey and wish to attend only Part Two of the course to learn to guide others through their journeys, get in touch to discuss your options. 

Tuesdays 7 -8:30 pm GMT
12 classes 
15 April
29 April
13 May
27 May
10 June
24 June
8 July
22 July
5 August
19 August
2 September
16 September


3 months introductory course £99
9 months practitioner course £450
20 % Off for Findhorn Community members ( register via email) 
Payment plans available, get in touch to find out more

To register, buy Part One or Part One & Two below
You'll receive and email with the course program, the zoom links, the codes to access the members area and any other info to prepare for the Shamanic Journey.

Any question or concern?
Get in touch !

Previous years online courses

The Nawal 

 Mayan calendar course
6 weeks online
recorded classes
28 May - 2 July 2024
Tuesdays 7:30-9 pm BST 


“Am so honoured to share my treasured memories of the courses facilitated by Cinzia.  Our travels through Sardinia with our beautiful guide, Ur, inspired me to search ancient history on Mother Earth and to journey beyond time to feel the beauty of our humanly time here on Earth.  Putting on my cloak of wizardry while travelling through Avalon, I felt empowered to accept my role as a witch.  In Mexico, I internalised a powerful understanding of space and time within the Mayan culture and it’s spiralling magic connected with our psychic beings.  Cinzia’s powerful spiritual wisdom and knowledge, whether in Avalon, Mexico or Sardinia opened us up to many energies in nature on Earth and beyond with our Star Nations. Cinzia has travelled and lived within each environment and connected energetically with the Spirits abiding there.  Always, Cinzia is caring and helpful with each person’s perspective in her classes.  Am looking forward to attending her retreats in person. Know they are amazing and are the gift of a life time.” Reverend Sandra Atkinson


Dragon Whisper

An immersive shamanic adventure
in the mystical world of dragons

Young witch with spell book in green forest.jpg

Avalon Mystique

Online Retreat for the modern witch..and wizard !

Woman Outdoors

Fantastic Creatures

Online Shamanic Course

Meet the Spirit Guides from the fantasy realms


Crystal Healing

Online Shamanic Course

Connect to the deep wisdom of crystals through the shamanic practice

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Mayan Star Medicine

Healing workshop

Merkaba Retreat


Beautiful Young Woman lying on Sea shore. Ocean as Abstract embodiment of Universe that Ca


Natural Health + Shamanism + Fitness

with Caroline Gaskin, Cinzia Sarigu & Lisa Knighton

Beautiful Young Woman lying on Sea shore. Ocean as Abstract embodiment of Universe that Ca

The Embodiment Course

Journey to the fundamentals of wellness, spirituality and vitality

Natural Health + Shamanism + Fitness

with Caroline Gaskin, Cinzia Sarigu & Lisa Knighton

Starts 31st October 2023




Shamanic Drum Activation 

Initiation to the Peacemaker Path

Residential or weekend courses 

Have a look at a previous course

Element earth. The girl in the image of the earth. Fantasy mystical makeup for the image o

Roots Part 1


Shamanic Herbal Course 

An Exploration of Spirit

 Herbalism and

your Medicine Roots


October 2021- January 2022 

Online classes




Mayan Star Medicine 

Shamanic weekend workshops 

Residential or weekend courses 

Have a look at a previous courses

Element earth. The girl in the image of the earth. Fantasy mystical makeup for the image o

Roots Part 2


Shamanic Herbal Course 

An Exploration of Spirit

 Herbalism and

your Medicine Roots


April- July 2022

Online classes

A mystical raven is sitting on a dead woman._edited.jpg

Raven Speaks 


Automatic Writing Course 

7 weeks - Fridays

Starts 5th November 2021

Online classes

Element earth. The girl in the image of the earth. Fantasy mystical makeup for the image o

Roots Part 3


Shamanic Herbal Course 

An Exploration of Spirit

 Herbalism and

your Medicine Roots


Sept. 2022- Jan 2023

Online classes

" Cinzia has been such a force and blessing in my life. Her wisdom spans lifetimes and she always shows up from a place of heart, authenticity, and compassion. I have already learned so much about myself through sitting with her and know I will learn so much more."Koa, USA 

"Cinzia is an incredible master and all the experiences she offers open up our invisible channels" Marina, UK 

"I have studied for two years now with Cinzia and the Shamanic Healing Course has been wonderful. I learned about Shamanism, nature cycles, daily practices and  how to open our hearts to sacred medicine. Cinzia is a talented teacher  with great knowledge who creates a very peaceful environment; she's humble and passionate and it is a pleasure to have the opportunity to learn from her. I absolutely recommend her courses ,  Ixchel  Healing Arts events and also her retreats." Vicky Polak, Argentina 

" The wisdom of Cinzia and Ixchel Healing Arts Studio have been a great asset in my journey to forever, subtle in form but deeply profound. The teachings have helped me root out the blockages in my consciousness and develop the tools to clear them. A benefit not only to me, but also to my community, my tribe and I've realized that I too am a healer, and the best thing I can do for others is to be all of me. Swift Raven will help you find You " Ryan, USA


Ancient Mystery Doors
Shamanic Adventure
7 Mystical Journeys Weekly Classes
April-May 2021  


Days out of Time
Mayan New Year 
Online Festival 
Daily Guidance
Mayan Spirit Alignment
February 2021

Copyright picture from Alturo Alday Larrauri.jpg

Jungle Mystery Doors 
Shamanic Adventure
7 Mystical Journeys Weekly Classes
Jan-Feb 2021 


Shamanic Healing 
Online Course
18 classes
9 months
Twice a month

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The Wheel  of Time 
Mayan calendar Course 
Online Classes

Jan-October 2020

The Medicine Wheel 
Introductory Shamanic Course
Online Classes
April 2020


The Shaman's Dream
Shamanic Journey Course
Level 1
April-May 2020

Road in magic dark forest.jpg

The Dream of Gaia
Shamanic Journey Course
Level 2
June-July  2020

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Avalon Mystery Doors  
Mystical Shamanic Course  
June-July 2020

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