by Cinzia Sarigu
Avalon Retreat
30 June-5 July 2025
Glastonbury, UK
Avalon Mystique
A Retreat
for the Modern Witch... & Wizard
What would it be like to walk on sacred ground following the ley lines of the land, listening to the whispers of witches, druids and dragons ? What would it be like to let your hair down, kick your shoes off and dance to the rhythm of the moon? What would it feel like to dive deep into your cauldron of dreams and set your inner child free? Polish your broom and fly to Avalon, join us in the most magical place there is...
Shamanism & Magic
6 days of initiation, healing, storytelling, shamanic ceremony and deep connection to the spirit of Avalon
Let the Magic unfold!
Witches, wizards and all magical beings welcome
The journey unfolds across the magical land of Avalon.
Our playground will be Glastonbury.
Avalon Mystique is an experiential retreat that offers unique spiritual tools to take home.
The program involves ceremony on the land at sacred sites and circle time indoors for dream spell, shamanic journeys and alchemical workshops. The pace is gentle so you have free time to rest and explore the wonders of Glastonbury on your own. The retreat is interactive and creative, with a good dose of humour and lightness as well as solemn time for ceremony and profound healing.
Consider it a dive into the magical worlds of your childhood but with the eyes of the wise witch of today.
Be prepared to be inspired...
Day 1
Through the veil:
Opening circle
Cauldron of Dreams ceremony to enter the realms of Avalon beyond the veil. A day of gentle landing and magical practices. We'll be setting the foundations for your direct connection to the ley lines and the invisible dimensions of Avalon.
Day 2
Mystical Gateways:
Spiral walk up to the Tor.
Connect to the elements and the elementals.
Step through the portal of the in between kingdom and reawaken ancient memories in your DNA.
Meet the Sisterhood of Light that guards the invisible portals of Avalon.
Create your own magic portal workshop
Day 3
Sacred Waters:
Cernunnos & The Goddess
The alchemical marriage, masculine & feminine healing ceremony at the sacred spring.
A day of karmic cleanse and joyful liberation​
Day 4
Morgana's Apothecary:
A day of hands on alchemical workshops, creative magic, spell weaving and more mischievous endeavours...
Day 5
Merlin's legacy:
Storytelling and Automatic Writing workshop
Arthurian Legends, time travel in the Abbey to awaken the senses and unleash the imagination.
Name sake ceremony.
Day 6
Brooms at the ready:
Sunrise initiatory ceremony, blessing circle and conclusion
You can book a private session with me on this day after the conclusion, to deepen and integrate the experience.
Things to note
Although we do our best to stick to the plan, please be aware that the order of the program may vary depending on climatic conditions and other circumstances out of our control, such as wicked winds, troll invasions and the like. ​